Sunday, October 13, 2013

Our first steps in moving forward.

The first post in this blog. I will warn you I am not a writer and there will be errors both in spelling and grammar I am sure.

My name is Becky and I live with my husband Joe and my almost 18 year old son, Arik. Joe has been ill for sometime and getting worse over the last 7 months. The doctors he has seen do not seem to know what is wrong with him and have no answers to help him. In an effort to help get better and the whole family to be healthier we are going to move to organic way of eating. I have started to collect many recipes, add many blogs to my reading list and print out as much information as I can. I spend a lot of time on face book looking for information and possible herbal medicine that might help also.

My first shopping trip will be next week to the natural markets in Salem for our groceries. This will be both exciting and difficult for me. Trying to maintain my budget for food and shop for better quality and organic food. But I have come to the conclusion if you can pronounce the ingredients in something do you really want it in your body. Buying food and starting organic food will the first steps in our lifestyle.

I gave up drinking 1 or 2 diet cokes a day 2 weeks ago. It amazes me how much better I am feeling. I was having daily headaches and now they are gone. After reading what all aspartame can do to your body I decided it was time to stop and see if it would help with the headaches. I will admit it took several days for all the crap to get out of my system, but I haven't had a headache in about 7 days now. First time in months I have gone that many days without pain.

The second step will be gathering ingredients to make our household cleaners, soaps and lotions. I am super excited about this. I think it will be fun to try this. If works great and if not I'll buy them from the natural store.

Next will Herbal Medicines.  I plan to use as many natural herbs as possible to medicate with natural ingredients. If you haven't noticed when you to the pharmacy you pay for a drug and then you counselled by the pharmacists. Once you pay for its yours. No returns on medication. Ok now that pharmacists is going to tell you how to take the medication and warn you of few things that could happen. You also get a written paper with you medication warning you that the medicine that is supposed to help you, could possibly kill you or cause a number of other things. This is the reason I want to go natural medicine.  Being in the medical field I know this all sounds weird coming from a medical professional, but I have lost faith in medicine over the last year and doctors, so Joe and I have decided on a more natural way of living.

Long range plans include homesteading and raising our own chickens, beef, pork and other critters. Going back in time so to speak while moving forward in our lives together.

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